Call for Papers Impossibilia 14.
The use of colors and words: the role of visual arts in literature

Gustave Doré, ilustración para The Raven de Edgar Allan Poe
As all human manifestation, the literature is enriched and complemented by the rest of the Arts, especially Visual Arts, from simple vignette to the graphic novel. Photography, drawing, painting, as well as graphic design occupy a prominent place in the literary work, such which demonstrate the engravings of Gustave Doré, which have perpetuated over the centuries the Don Quixote and Sancho’s faces or Dante’s in his Hades.
In the same way that Gustavo Gil characterized the editions of publishing house Alianza thanks to their covers, or the enormous weight of the unique photograph of Farabeuf by Salvador Elizondo, and even the Guillaume Apollinaire and Vicente Huidrobo’s caligramas.
Also, there is no doubt that the purely literary properties of the current graphic novel seem to have much more weight than ever.
In addition, due to the globalization is possible access to works of different latitudes, and match in their pages different times through their authors and illustrators as Howard P. Lovecraft and Breccia or John Milton and Pablo Auladell.
By such reasons, Impossibilia wants to dedicate its fourteenth call to the study of the visual element in Literature; e.g. the paratexts, and the graphic design.
We propose the following lines of research as an example:
Relationships between Plastic Arts and Literature, research of schools of thoughts and periods, and specific studies of authors or works
History of the plastic element in Literature
Theoretical proposals for the analysis of graphic and its link with Literature
Is literature the graphic novel?
Panorama and evolution of the literary criticism about Graphic novel.
We shall also accept articles for the following sections:
• Miscellany: This section will include papers dedicated to different literary topics, with a theorethical, critical, historiographical or comparatistic approach.
• Artistic Interactions: Literature has always kept close ties with other arts, from the visual arts to music. We propose to create in this section a space where to promote a reflection on these interactions, on how they are originated, how they developed and, most of all, on what its most exemplary fruits are.
• Ricordando: Homages and recollections. In this section, we shall publish articles dedicated to different literary recurrences; homages to works and people, through which we intend to celebrate on the pages of Impossibilia some of the most important dates in the history of literary studies.
• Reviews: This is a space where to comment books on theory, criticism, comparative literature and history of literature.
The deadline for sending articles is July the 30th 2023. All papers received after this date will be excluded.
Papers should be sent through the following webpage: .
Papers should comply with the Style Book and the Refereeing System defined by Impossibilia, as well as with the Spanish Creative Commons licenses described in our Legal section.