Pablo Picasso’s “Sueño y mentira de Franco�?: art and poetry in self defence

Universidad de Sevilla, España


Abstract: Picasso, despite of his exile, has never been indifferent to the Spanish Civil War. These reactions were collected in his paintings but also in his poetry. One of the poems where he reflects about this politic situation is “Sueño y mentira de Franco�? (1937), and in it, with the same name’s engravings Picasso radiographs the Spain at war and shows its horrors from the distance. That is achieved by the image/poetry double perspective. The analyse method that it will be used is setting in the analyse of text and engravings, both together, whose conjugation overflows their limits of meaning and it becomes in a reflection about the situation of the Spain at war from the art and literature.

Keywords: Picasso, poetry, painting, “Sueño y mentira de Franco�?, Spanish Civil War, surrealism

Impossibilia. Revista Internacional de Estudios Literarios, Nº 13, páginas 223-240 (Mayo 2023) ISSN 2174-2464. Artículo recibido el 08/12/2016, aceptado el 03/04/2023 y publicado el 30/05/2023.