Relationship between autofiction and metatheatre: one example in brazilian dramaturgy
Abstract: This article aims to analize out the existence of an autofictional theatre in contemporary dramaturgy. From the neologism of Doubrovsky, the issue about the impossibility of an autobiographical theater seems resolved as the speech is not presented as autobiographical; nor does it realize its full fictionality due to explicit ambiguity of the speech. Either through the text or by scenic resources, autobiographical and empirical elements are included in the fictional scenario, setting a metatheatrical effect. In order to illustrate this possible autofictional theatre, We use a example of contemporary dramaturgy rubbing real and fictional. Such friction asks what is real and what is fictional, but what is theater and, consequently, what is the subject.
Keywords: theatre; autofiction; autofictional theatre; metatheatre; contemporary theatre
Impossibilia. Revista Internacional de Estudios Literarios, Nº 13, páginas 106-130 (Mayo 2023)
ISSN 2174-2464. Artículo recibido el 19/12/2016, aceptado el 05/04/2023 y publicado el 30/05/2023.