Oficio de falsario: Jon Juaristi
and autofictional poetry
Abstract: We intend to read the poetry of Jon Juaristi (Bilbao, 1951) focusing on the inclusion of author’s proper name in the textual universe. This incorporation opens a complex theoretical constellation in the approach to his poetry, because of its position in a border area: between the fictional status of lyric subject and the “autobiographical�? reference. Therefore, we propose to use the category of “autofiction�?, postulating its relevance to the study of that verbal identity, between life and writing. This strategy calls into question the conventional and “romantic�? identification between “lyric authorial figure�? and the “real empirical poet�?.
Keywords: Contemporary Spanish Literature, Jon Juaristi, poetic identity, split subject, author’s name, autofictional poetry, autofiction
Impossibilia. Revista Internacional de Estudios Literarios, Nº 13, Páginas 85-105 (Mayo 2023) ISSN 2174-2464. Artículo recibido el 03/08/2016, aceptado el 13/03/2023 y publicado el 30/05/2023.