Refereeing System

Moisés de Miguel Ángel, Jorge Camacho
In order to ensure the quality of the journal and the objectiveness of the selection of original articles, the editorial team will follow the evaluation method described in this refereeing system.
The evaluation of articles shall adhere to the following protocol:
- Call for papers: there will be two yearly calls for papers (spring and autumn) for the reception of unpublished articles.
- Reception of articles: all articles could be sent in .doc, .docx (Microsoft Office Word) or .odt (OpenOffice Write) formats to the following e-mail .
- Evaluation of articles: the Editorial Board, in collaboration with the Scientific Committee, and a team of external reviewers, will read the original texts received, according to a peer review system. In case a third reading is required, it will be done by another external reviewer. The evaluation shall be based upon criteria related to content and form, criteria which are available on our Style Book. The Editorial Board commits to perform its task in at least 30 days from the reception of the articles.
- Notification of accepted publications: the acceptance of the papers shall be communicated in written form to the authors once these have been evaluated and selected.
- Rejected articles: the rejection of articles shall be communicated in written form to its authors.
- Copyright: authors maintain the right to use their papers and publish them without restrictions, with the requirement of mentioning their previous publication in Impossibilia.
- Impossibilia bears article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges, therefore it has no cost for the authors.